Cancellation Policy
Class Cancellation Policy
If you cannot make it to a class you have signed up for, ideally give us at least 24 hours notice so we can offer the spot to someone else. You can cancel on Mindbody, or contact us.
Pausing Memberships
We understand that our members often travel and need to take breaks from time to time. Kaiut Yoga Austin is happy to place a hold on memberships. Please notify via email 30 days in advance. We can hold your account up to 2 times per year for a duration of 10 days to 2 months.
Cancelling Membership
If you decide to cancel your membership please notify via email. Cancellation will go into effect for the following month with at least two weeks notice.
Workshop Cancellations
Cancellation must be received in writing a minimum of 7 days ahead for a full refund. Within 7 days will be charged 100% of workshop fee.
Training & Retreat Events
Refunds before program of study begins:
If written notice of withdrawal is received within 60 days or more of the commencement of the event, Kaiut Yoga will refund 100% of the total tuition less a $200 USD non-refundable deposit.
If written notice of withdrawal is received by Kaiut Yoga within 30 days or more of the commencement of the event, Kaiut Yoga will refund 50% of total tuition.
Refunds after the program of study starts:
If written notice of withdrawal is received by Kaiut Yoga before 30% of the period of instruction has elapsed, Kaiut Yoga may retain 75% of the total tuition.
If a student withdraws after 30% of the period of instruction has elapsed, no refund is applicable.
Cancellation of Events by Kaiut Yoga International
In the event that Kaiut Yoga International is required to cancel a class or event, 100% of the event fee will be refunded. It is the responsibility of the attendee to purchase travel insurance for travel costs, as desired. During any period of short-term studio closure (ie. studio owner vacation or training), studio memberships will be suspended and reinstated when the studio reopens.
Cancelling Other Classes or Events
In the event that you need to cancel classes with Francisco are non-refundable and non-transferable.